Additional Markets
In addition to grain and feed markets, InterSystems, the brand known as a worldwide manufacturer of bulk material handling equipment and industrial sampling systems, is found on a full range of products in support of other industries.

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About Us
GSI supports agriculture around the globe with the most extensive global manufacturing footprint and dealer network in our industry. We bring our customers local solutions with global expertise.
This event has been postponed to a later date. Fill out the form below to be notified of the rescheduled date. Thank you for your interest.
There are yield-robbing phantoms lurking in your fields and bins. And they’re ready to take money right out of your pocket.
We will shine a light on those yield robbers and show you how to make more with on-farm conditioning and smarter grain management.
We’ll start with breakfast, move through multiple stations designed to give you strategies you can apply to your operation, and end with a great lunch. You’ll even have a chance to speak one-on-one with experts and win cool prizes.
United Farmers Coop - Grain Handling Shop
640 Skyview Ave
Lafayette, MN 56054
7:30 am - Breakfast
8:15 am - Unmasking the Phantoms in the Field
10:30 am - Unmasking the Phantoms in your Bins
12:30 - Lunch and Info Expo