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Vision and Dritek+ Updates
For Portable and Tower Dryers
Vision Software for Tower and Portable Dryers - Version 2.12
V2.11 CHANGES - (not released publicly)
- Added the ability to zero batch moisture averages.
- Added text to help reduce accidental meter roll size configuration issues, it was added to the dryer screen around the meter roll animations to validate how the dryer was configured (4 or 7”) is shown next to the MR's.
- When selecting temperature-based moisture control under the Setup->M/C Setup screen, it would always default to 2 speed mode. This will now default to 5 speed temperature mode.
- Made some minor changes to the placement of the on-screen data next to the dryer so it was consistent between 1, 2 or 3 module dryers. Moved grain temp setpoint value to below actual grain temp value.
- Store the average grain moisture for incoming and outgoing batches.
- Added an ACTIVATE Meter Roll Reverse option button, this button will only display IF the display IO board’s MANU dipswitch is configured for 4-inch meter rolls. Prior to this change, the MR reverse option was ALWAYS active when 4"" MR were selected. The reverse MR feature will always default to OFF and manually must be activated.
- Fixed bug introduced in v2.10 regarding burner operation for Tower dryer not shutting down the dryer in the event of loss of flame or ignition failure. It will now attempt 1 time then shut down like before.
V2.12 CHANGES - (includes v2.11 changes)
- Eliminated the ability to select VARIABLE moisture control mode if the newest D03-1212 Moisture control board is installed. The code for the AutoStart logic is only found in the original MC board D03-0725 and NOT in the newer D03-1212 board. This will eliminate the confusion from customers selecting the Variable speed option on new portable dryers and it not working as expected. Users are now required to use 2-5 speed temperature based or 5 speed moisture-based control.
- Introduced NEW mixed flow dryer graphics AND mixed flow dryer model selection in the DRYER MODEL setup screen. This is activated by turning on the AF dipswitch INSTEAD of the normal PORT dipswitch. Since the MF dryer models can be difficult to correlate to our current dryer models, the model selection screen changes to MF dryer models when the AF dipswitch is turned on.
- Force the meter roll size to 7 inch whenever a mixed flow dryer (AF dipswitch is on) has been activated regardless of the MANU (MR size) dipswitch position. MF will never use a 4-inch MR system.
- Created new graphics to show single fan feeding 2 burners.
Vision Software for Tower and Portable Dryers - Version 2.10
English only.
- Removed the feature (item 13 below) that would shut down the dryer if the plenum temperature were to rise 30° above setpoint. The "OFF CYCLE" message will still be displayed and the burner will still shut off. This will eliminate a nuisance shutdown from occuring if drying in dual temp mode batch on single fan dryers.
- Extended the standard burner purge from 10 to 12 seconds. This will eliminate the need to use the AUX2 button on the display IO board when using a HF-4624-DOM fenwal that is found on Q dryers. Otherwise, the amount of time between the burner retrying to light would take almost a minute to occur and it will prevent the dryer from totally shutting down for almost 5 minutes. This was causing concern with the inspectors in Canada who were doubting the system would ever shut down.
Vision Software for Tower and Portable Dryers - Version 2.09
English only.
- If the metering rolls used on Portable dryers are disabled in setup, it will now allow BPH and Total Bushel outputs to continue to be logged and displayed. Any custom BPH adjustments the user may have made in the software are still observed and will continue to be applied with the MR disabled. The dryers output will be calculated by using the relative speed setting instead of actual RPM output of the MR. So even though the main screen the RPM will show disabled, the BPH and TB will continue to be shown. This will of course not be able to detect the metering rolls failure to turn from either the drive chain slipping or breaking.
- If the cycled moisture sampler blower option is selected the recorded samples will only allow a minimum of 1 recorded reading every 5 minutes.
After extensive field testing we have found that the moisture sensors accuracy increased significantly whenever the grain was allowed to settle on the dry sensor for approximately 4 minutes before allowing performing a reading of the sample of grain.
If the cycled sampler option is turned off (disabled) the dry sensor will return to reading a constant stream of data from the sensors value which is the same as before this change.
The data being presented in the table on the main screen on the dryer will only log this data at a minimum of 5 minutes intervals and will also allow a 10 and 15 minutes interval options to be selected. This is to prevent the same logged sample value from being logged several times which would contain the exact same value until the next minimum 5 minute sample is performed.
The software will not record allow any dry grain values if the reading is at zero. It will record data only after the sample has been taken.
- Dual grain and plenum temperature mode in staged batch will now working correctly (Only applies to single fan dryers).
Customers reported this issue occurred when operating there portable dryer in this particular Batch drying mode. If the grain temperature hasn't had time to drop below its LO GRAIN temperature set point after refilling then by the time the HI HEAT timer started its countdown, the software would trigger a flag indicating that the LO GRAIN temperature had been met in the software and allow the LO HEAT timer to begin prematurely.
This change now forces the HI HEAT timer to expire first at which point it THEN will look at the present grain temperature before it allows the software to continue with LO HEAT timer and plenum temperature.
- Changed Data Log file from TXT extension to CSV (Comma delimited) to allow the file to be directly imported into Excel without using the import wizard.
- Fixed a minor bug in the software when operating a Tower dryer and Celsius was selected as the temperature scale and the Fahrenheit value would still be displayed at the side of the picture.
- Increased the Cycled blower ON timing for Tower dryers from 5 to 10 seconds and reduced the Cycled blower ON timing for portables from 30 to 5 seconds.
- Removed the FFI logo on the main portable dryer screen when 7 inch meter rolls are selected. This caused some confusion to customers with a GSI dryer who had 7 inch metering rolls installed. Note: This was actually implemented in a special recompilation of 2.08 for production in spring of 2020.
- When operating in Portable Dryer mode, if 12vdc is applied on the Display IO board to terminal J6-01 (spare input1) it will activate an extra set of grain temperature sensors that are installed in the bottom module on stack dryers only. These extra grain temp sensors have been installed on all stack dryers since 2019 starting in Flora, IL.
- Changed the maximum allowable offset when calibrating moisture sensors from +/- 10 points to +/- 20 points. The maximum temperature offset is still limited to -10° to +10°F.
- There were reports of the Cycled blower sampler motor burning up on Tower dryers. This was a direct result of a bug in the software which had allowed the blower motor circuit to become energized even though it was disabled in the settings. It now closely mimics the Portable dryers operation.
- Special prototype test function!! On the Display IO board when both the AUX1 and AUX2 dipswitches are active (on) on F&T dryer controls only, this will engage an special Modutrol motor timings to help speed up the movement of the modulating valve during initial burner warm up. Once the plenum temperature gets within 20°F of the setpoint the rate of valve opening starts to decrease. In comparison to the original code which didn’t start slowing down until it was within 10°F of setpoint. However getting to the 20° threshold is considerably faster now. If this code is later found to be unacceptable they can return back to the original timings by turning off the AUX2 dipswitch which is the standard configuration for Towers with Modutrol option. Units leaving the factory will be setup using the original settings.
- Enlarged some of the font sizes on the main screen which should help improve the ability to read the grain moisture coming in and out of the dryer from a distance.
- The software has now been updated to allow the dryer to pause the burner operation to “OFF CYCLE” whenever the plenum temperature has climbed to 20°F (11°C) over the plenum setpoint for Portables and 30°F (17°C) over the plenum setpoint for T&F Mod dryers. So for instance, if the plenum setpoint is 180°F and the reported plenum temperature continues to rise (low pressure gas adjustment is set too high), the dryer will no longer shut down. It will now only shut off the burner with issue while leaving the rest of the dryer operations to run normally. The operator will be given a notice in the plenums message box on the main screen that indicates “OFF CYCLE” instead of traditional Low Fire or Burner Off. Once the plenum temperature has recovered and allowed to drop below the burner plenum setpoint the burner will attempt to relight the burner once again to resume operations. This is to help prevent nuisance shutdowns that may sometimes occurs whenever the low fire gas pressure adjustment had been made during cooler weather conditions (such as a colder fall evening) then warming up during the day where the increase in ambient air temperature causes the pressure in the LP gas lines or tank to increase as well. This change has been applied for both the Tower and Portable dryer operational modes.
- In the event the burners plenum temperature were to continue to rise to 30°(17°C) and 40° (22°C) on T&F Mod dryers above the set plenum temperature setpoint then there may be an underlying issue and the dryer will then continue to shut down with an plenum temperature overheat error.
- Made some updates to the text files to accommodate some of the wording that was added to indicate an OFF CYCLE burner modes for ALL the language text files.
Vision Software for Tower and Portable Dryers - Version 2.08
Released 11/11/19
HI/LO and ON/OFF burner operation will now ignite the burner in LOW fire mode before being allowed to energize the HIGH fire solenoid. (No power is allowed to the cycle solenoid output J1-02 until flame has been established).
- In HI/LO mode this would only occur during the initial burner ignition phase. Once flame has been established cycling the valve will occur normally when cycling LO to HI, with no pause between.
- In ON/OFF mode the burner will always fire in LOW fire then 1 second later energize the J1-02 cycle solenoid output until the plenum temperature set point has been met. Then the valves will close and restart the sequence again with a 1 second delay to the high fire valve.
Fixed a bug that was introduced in 1.02 in regards to the batch operation of dual plenum temperature operation. When operating in Batch mode on 1-fan dryers and using the dual plenum/grain drying feature the software would hang up when the low grain temperature was met and would not advance to the LOW HEAT timer. (Tested in 2.07b in the Canadian market)
Fixed an issue where if no gas is present during initial firing of the burner it would attempt to light the burner four times instead of three. Ignition attempts are now limited to three regardless if flame has been detected or never been detected.
Software now allows the moisture sensor offset to be greater than or less than 10 in the "Calibrate Moisture Sensor" section of the Setup screen. MC had an offset with the available 10 point adjustment. They are now allowed to change up to 20 points in either direction.
Removed the calculated grain temperature remaining in the temp hold message on the main screen when operating in batch mode. The displayed numbers may have been confusing, especially when showing a double negative "- -" value. It now simply flashes “TEMP HOLD…”
Vision Software for Tower and Portable Dryers - Version 2.06A
Released 10/01/18
2.06A will allow the old moisture control board to work correctly with the newer software.
2.06A re-installs the help files and includes the four missing discharge lid animation files.
Vision Software for Tower and Portable Dryers - Version 2.05
2.05 added 1 hour averaging to the moisture output located in the bottom left corner of the dryers main screen.
This will install only the French and English files. If another language needs installed on the Vision system the full version is available by emailing our service department at gsifixt@gsiag.com
Note: When upgrading from 1.xx or earlier software to any version of 2.0x software, you will need to verify that you have the necessary required disk space left on the drive to handle the additional 30MB of program and language files it contains. Instructions
Vision Software for Tower and Portable Dryers - Version 2.04
Released 09/16/16
Version 2.04 update for use with new Advanced Moisture Control Board (D03-1212).
2.04 fixes an issue of not connecting to the older Watchdog remote monitoring systems. This also has been updated with version 2.04 of the MC_GEN2.hex file.
To install this upgrade on 1.xx and older software follow the steps listed below:
- Install the 2.04 software onto your thumb drive by running the Vision Software vP204.EXE file you downloaded above.
- Startup the Vision controls and insert the thumb drive into the controllers USB port.
- At the first screen select the "Get Programs" from USB
- Once it copies, leave the drive in. Select the "Install Software" button and select 2.04.
- Once it is installed go ahead and press the "Start Dryer" button.
- It will notify you that you will need to install the language files first and kick you back to a new version of the boot up screen.
- At the new boot up screen go ahead and select the "Get Programs" button again. It will copy the files again and also the language files too.
- When it gets done copying, you will not need to re-install them. Instead, simply press the "Start Dryer" button.
The default language will be English. If installing this software on older Vision controls, the AUTO-START feature will be unavailable unless the moisture control board is upgraded to the advanced model D03-1212. Contact your dealer for more information.
Vision Software - Version 1.17
For the pre-2015 Vision systems that haven’t been updated with v2.xx software.
Vision Software - Version 1.15
This update fixes the following bugs:
- A temperature calibration issue, which caused negative temperature offsets. They were interpreted as large positive offsets for moisture.
- When running the 1.xx software on the newer Optillis display, the Vision Software would appear not to load in the Windows CE 6.0 by being minimized on the windows taskbar.
Vision Software - Version 1.13
Released 06/01/15
Version 1.13 update for use with Vision controls built prior to 2016.
This update addresses a couple of minor bugs.
Data Log Viewer Program - Version 1.2
Logviewer Installer - Version 1.2
For viewing the data that the Vision/Dritek+ dryers generates and copies to your USB drive. Just download and execute to install on your PC, then open the .dat file on your USB.
Vision Software for Tower and Portable Dryers - Version 2.03
Released 05/05/16
Version 2.03a update for use with new Advanced Moisture Control Board (D03-1212).
Added Multi Language Capability and Auto-Start feature when used with the Advanced Moisture Control Board (D03-1212). Version 2.03 software will require special attention during installation. It replaces the bootloader program named VisionDryer.exe on the hard drive of the Vision controls. This is so the software can also load the hard drive with multiple language files.
To install this upgrade on 1.xx and older software follow the steps listed below:
- Install the 2.03 software onto your thumb drive by running the Vision Software vP203.EXE file you downloaded above.
- Startup the Vision controls and insert the thumb drive into the controllers USB port.
- At the first screen select the "Get Programs" from USB
- Once it copies, leave the drive in. Select the "Install Software" button and select 2.03.
- Once it is installed go ahead and press the "Start Dryer" button.
- It will notify you that you will need to install the language files first and kick you back to a new version of the boot up screen.
- At the new boot up screen go ahead and select the "Get Programs" button again. It will copy the files again and also the language files too.
- When it gets done copying, you will not need to re-install them. Instead, simply press the "Start Dryer" button.
The default language will be English. If installing this software on older Vision controls, the AUTO-START feature will be unavailable unless the moisture control board is upgraded to the advanced model D03-1212. Contact your dealer for more information.
Note: This "a" revision addresses an issue with the languages not being installed in the proper folder on the USB thumb drive.
NOTICE! As with any computer upgrade, you run the risk of making your dryer inoperable if the programming procedure is interrupted during the upgrade. NEVER TURN OFF POWER DURING UPGRADE PROCESS!
If you are currently drying grain, we highly recommend you wait until you are finished drying grain before attempting to update your software.
ATTENTION! Software version P101 and higher is now using a user safety inputs located on the main I/O board inside the upper control box of your dryer.
If you are upgrading your dryer from prior software revisions then you will need to place a jumper wire between J2-02 and J2-03 (User Safety #1 input) to provide 12VDC to this input. Then add jumpers between J2-03, J2-05, J2-06 (all (4) open user safety inputs). Failure to do so will cause your dryer to become inoperable due to a user safety shutdown message until this procedure is done.
These inputs can be used to stop dryer operation by connecting auxiliary equipment between 12VDC and the safety input with a N/C closed connection that will open in the event of a shutdown or equipment failure.
IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ! If you experience any issues with motors not starting you may need to reset the computer to factory defaults. If you need to reset your controls you can download the following document. How to Reset Your Touch Screen Controller back to Factory Defaults
Vision Software - Version 2.02
Released 11/13/15
This software is for testing purposes ONLY. It will contain some bugs that have been addressed with the release 2.03a shown above.
Vision Software for Tower and Portable Dryers - Version 1.10
Released 08/11/14
Fixed bug with Tower dryers using Variable moisture control that caused metering drum to run wide open for 2 minutes. Returned learning period to 30 minutes.
Vision Software - Version 1.09B
Released 05/12/14
Fixed intermittent stopping of the sampler blower bug. This software is recommended for use with blower sampling system.
Vision Software - Version 1.09
Released 09/04/13
Towers only: The load controls have been changed to operate better and to avoid nuisance shutdowns. J1-06 must be jumped to J1-01 (+12VDC) and the Load switch wire moved from J1-06 to J2-08 (extra input #2). SEE ILLUSTRATION.
NOTE: If you are not comfortable doing these wiring changes you should contact your servicing dealer to do this update.
Towers only: Eliminated Plenum 2 and 3 buttons on 3 fan tower dryer models.
Added screen display of pending Auto-Centering in status bar 5 minutes before it changes.
Portables only: If the PORT and COMP DIP switch is set in the on position on the display IO board the dry moisture control temperature sensors on the rear discharge will be used to measure grain temperature when operating in temperature based moisture control. This is primarily a feature for rice drying. (The word RICE will replace the grain temperature reading at the side of the dryer pictured on the main screen.)
Added cycled air evacuation moisture sampler hardware algorithm for the optional grain sampler system.
Removed dialog warning of Automatic Advanced MC startup time while in manual mode.
Temp hold values in batch mode now correctly displayed when Celsius has been selected.
Vision Software - Version 1.06
Released 07/31/12
Vision Software - Version 1.05
Released 11/13/15